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Employing Staff


If you pay staff then your business will need to run a payroll scheme that reports electronically to HMRC in real time each time you pay and make deductions to your employees. In addition under the Pensions Act 2008, every employer in the UK must put certain staff into a workplace pension scheme and contribute towards it. This is called ‘automatic enrolment’. If you employ at least one person you are an employer and you have certain legal duties.

We can take care of all your auto enrolment duties from setting up your Pension scheme through to completing your declaration of compliance.

Our payroll software provides a modern cloud based solution to all your payroll needs.


CIS, or the Construction Industry Scheme, is a set of rules that govern subcontractors pay within the construction sector. Anybody running a business that engages subcontractors for construction operations is termed to be a mainstream contractor in the eyes of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and falls under the rules of CIS.

Contractors who do fall under CIS will find themselves with a number of additional obligations in their work.

Firstly, they need to register with the scheme. This needs to be done before taking on the first subcontractor. They will also need to keep a very close eye on their paperwork and ensure that they send monthly returns to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and maintain their own records in the correct manner.

Secondly, they will need to look into their subcontractors’ backgrounds. This means double-checking they are registered with HMRC and making the correct payments and deductions on their invoices.

We can provide a full service running and maintaining your CIS scheme.

“I have known Lisa Roper for some time and she has been undertaking my payroll and Inland revenue payments for some years. I would highly recommend the Don Roper team. They are very efficient, friendly and helpful.

They have a good knowledge of whats required and if needed can provide other expert advise where needed. I am happy to speak directly to anyone who would like to discuss my recommendation further.”

Paul Wedge